Houston Herald (Courtesy: Caleb Arthur, CEO Sun Solar) | December 18, 2014 — Its that wonderful time of the year!

Sun Solar of Houston earlier this year donated several solar panels to the Texas County Food Pantry to help the facility get a solar electrical power system going and subsequently save money on its utility bills.

Sun Solar customers added to the system by donating panels when a system was purchased and installed.

“We had a total of 20 250-watt solar panels donated to the food pantry by local residents who went solar,” said Sun Solar CEO Caleb Arthur. “Twenty solar panels are already on the pantry’s roof so the array will be doubled. The 40 panels total will save the food pantry $80,000 in utility bills over the next 25 years. This system will produce for more than 25 years, but we only say what the savings is for the warrantied part of a solar panel. They recently took down solar panels on Europe that are 40 years old and found out they still are producing over 90-percent of the power they were originally rated at. This means folks that switch to solar can produce all the energy they need for the next 40-plus years. What else can you invest in that gives you that kind of return for that long?”

Arthur said the food pantry project is the only community donated solar project in Missouri.

“It’s important to note that the solar panels will be a donation to the food pantry everyday the sun comes up and shines on these panels,” he said. “Not many donations keep on giving once they are given. Sun Solar and the community have stepped up to the plate to show the world we can create a sustainable model to help people in need. This will be a great investment for the future stability of our local food bank. This donation will let them focus on using their limited resources on people, not ever-increasing electric bills.

“I’m so thankful for such a loving and generous community. It’s a pleasure to be a local resident and have my company headquarters in my hometown. God has truly blessed our little town and my company.”

The Community First Bank location in Mountain Grove is the first bank in Missouri that will be completely offsetting its electric bill by switching to solar electrical power. Sun Solar is installing the bank’s system as a parking canopy for customers and employees, with solar panels on top of the canopy.

Derick Lila
Derick is a Clark University graduate—and Fulbright alumni with a Master's Degree in Environmental Science, and Policy. He has over a decade of solar industry research, marketing, and content strategy experience.

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