Energy information systems compile, reconcile and integrate energy data from various sources.
These systems are web-based software and communication systems used to store, analyze, and display energy data to stakeholders.
What Happened?
Canada’s Minister of Natural Resources, announced the launch of a Canadian Centre for Energy Information, an independent, one-stop, website designed to provide Canadians with comprehensive energy information to support Canada’s transition to a low-carbon energy future.
The new Centre received $15.2 million over five years in Budget 2019.
Why It Matters
Once operational, the centre will provide Canadians with access to independent and credible information and expert analyses on which to base important decisions for their businesses, their communities, and the environment.
Consolidated energy data contributes to better decision making by governments and industry, supporting higher quality research in the process.
This system will ensure individuals and communities have the most reliable, transparent and science-based information, as the evidence base to make informed decisions.