KENYA: Solarcentury to install 1.1 MWp of solar systems in Kenya


UK company Solarcentury said on Friday that it will install three rooftop solar plants, a carport array and a battery storage system, totaling 1.1 MWp of capacity, at two locations in Kenya for a local insect research center.

Two of the rooftop photovoltaic (PV) systems and the carport array will be deployed at the International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology’s (ICIPE) Duduville Campus in Nairobi, while the third one and the battery will be installed at the Thomas Odhiambo Campus.

Solarcentury expects to start work on site in July and to complete the project by October 2016. Over the past two years, the company has built a solar park for a tea farm along with a solar carport on the roof of a Mall in the African country.

This latest USD-2.5-million (EUR 2.2m) scheme, part of the ICIPE Greening project, is being financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).

BRAZIL: Brazil launches 2nd 1-MW floating solar array at HPP

Brazil launched a 1-MW floating solar system at the Sobradinho hydropower plant (HPP) as part of a research and development (R&D) project.

The government switched on the first floating photovoltaic (PV) system at the Balbina HPP on March 4.

Now, the Federal Universities of Amazonas and Pernambuco will conduct a study under the supervision of the federal government to review the economic feasibility to potential environmental impact of these HPPs. Depending on the outcome of the study, the solar installations at each site could be expanded by 4 MWp through October 2017.

The R&D project will end in January 2019 with the presentation of the three-year study. Brazilian power utilities Eletronorte and Chesf will invest BRL 100 million (USD 27.4m/EUR 24.7m) in the scheme.

ALGERIA: Algeria’s Adrar commissions 48 MW of solar power

Six new solar power plants with a combined capacity of 48 MW have been commissioned in the province of Adrar, said Thursday Abdelhak Chaabane, manager for the wilaya at state-owned utility in charge of electricity and natural gas Sonelgaz.

These new facilities comprise a 20 MW solar power plant near the city of Adrar, three more solar arrays in the south of the province — in the communes of Zaouiet Kounta (6 MW), Reggane and Aoulef (5 MW each), and another two solar power plants in the northern part of the province — in the communes of Timimoune (9 MW) and Tsabit (3 MW).

All six solar farms have been connected to the national grid.

Algeria is betting heavily on solar power, in an effort to generate 27% of its energy from renewable energy sources by 2030.

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