Top tier companies agree to explore the possibility of building what may just be the next world’s largest solar PV plant on agricultural land.

The Photovolt Development Partners GmbH, Kyocera Corporation, Kyudenko Corporation, ORIX Corporation, and Mizuho Bank, Ltd. are discussing to construct and operate the 430-megawatt (MW) project.


The plant will be located on an island near Nagasaki, Japan–specifically Ukujima, Sasebo City, Nagasaki Prefecture, Japan (island area: approx. 24,930,000m2; population: approx. 2,000).

The project will occupy approximately 6,300,000m2 which in perspective is roughly the same area as 134 baseball stadiums. The cost is estimated at about 150 billion yen with construction to start during the fiscal year 2016.

Ukujima Mega Solar Park Scheme of Planned Project (source: Kyocera)

Ukujima Mega Solar Park-1 Project Location (source: Kyocera)

What will be awesome about this project is that the solar modules would be constructed on stilts, which will allow for the continues use of the land for both power generation and agriculture.

There will also be an opportunity for livestock farmers to rare cattle with the production of oat grass and other pasture grasses that will heavily contribute to regional development on the island.

Derick Lila
Derick is a Clark University graduate—and Fulbright alumni with a Master's Degree in Environmental Science, and Policy. He has over a decade of solar industry research, marketing, and content strategy experience.

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