Following is a statement from Abigail Ross Hopper, president, and CEO of the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA):
“We appreciate Governor Cooper’s leadership in signing NC H589 today, a measure that will significantly enhance the solar market in North Carolina and continue the growth of solar jobs within the state. The programs created by this legislation, namely the competitive solicitation process for new utility scale solar and the addition of a rooftop solar leasing program, will help North Carolina retain its position as a top market for solar in the United States. Unfortunately, the last-minute inclusion of an 18-month wind moratorium was both unnecessary and disappointing and we hope the Governor’s executive order can help mitigate that portion of the bill. We stand by our colleagues in the wind industry and hope that legislators will see the positive economic development that both solar and wind offer to rural North Carolina.
“That said, we know this landmark energy legislation would not have been possible without the support of Rep. John Szoka and Rep. Dean Arp; we are grateful for their commitment to continuing North Carolina’s solar success story.”