Strathcona Solar Installation
Strathcona Solar 140-kilowatt solar photovoltaic installation on the Virginiatown Community Centre in the Township of McGarry, Ontario. Credit: Strathcona Solar

Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) will award contracts to 936 renewables projects with a combined capacity of 241.43 MW in the latest procurement under the province’s Feed-in Tariff (FiT) program.

The FiT 4 round targeted 241.438 MW. The next round, FiT 5, is expected to start by November 1, with draft documents to be available in the coming weeks.


The FIT program is open to projects with a capacity of between 10 kW and 500 kW.

Total of 907 photovoltaic (PV) installations secured long-term contracts in FiT 4. The successful applications also include 14 bioenergy, six onshore wind energy and nine hydro projects.

IESO received a total of 1,702 applications, of which 1,197, representing about 336 MW, passed the eligibility review.

It noted that a novelty in the latest procurement was the opportunity for applicants to win priority points by choosing to reduce the base price available in the FiT price schedule.

Slightly more than half of the successful applications opted to apply for price reduction priority points.

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