Common sense often leads would-be solar buyers to believe that purchasing a PV system in cold, snowy climates is a foolish investment. With low temperatures and snow cover, how could a solar owner possibly get his or her money’s worth during the winter months?

Though these fears are not entirely misplaced, research has shown that winter solar may not be as problematic as it first appears.


Many would-be solar panel owners are put off by the thought that snowfall and cold will reduce the potential output of their solar arrays. While it is true that snow buildup can hamper a panel’s ability to produce, this dip in output is usually only significant in systems that are poorly optimized for snowy climates.

Snow cover will only reduce output if it’s thick enough to shelter the panels from sunlight. More often than not, snow will thaw and slide off angled panels, with the help of stored heat from the sun.

As a result, serious build up should only occur on non-tilted or slightly tilted panels (such as those in many rooftop applications). However, even if such buildup occurs, measures can be taken to restore them to operating capacity. Options to consider include automatic panel cleaning systems and hiring a company to sweep the snow away.

Those looking into PV systems also express concern about efficiency of their panels in the cold, but their concern is not founded in fact. Cold and snow have been shown to improve panel efficiency. A PV temperature reduction of about 20°C leads to a 9 to 12% increase in electrical yield.

Like other electronic devices, efficiency and temperature for solar panels are inversely related. In other words, the colder the temperature, the more efficiently panels will be able to operate. Also, fallen snow tends to reflect the sun’s light back upward. This reflected light, called albedo, hits angled panels, adding to the direct light from the sun and resulting in higher energy yields.

These two effects in combination can result in higher output from panels on a clear snowy day than the average summer day when one would expect output to be highest.

Even when factoring in the snowy cold months of the winter, a solar installation will assuredly help curb a consumer’s annual energy bill. To see this in action, look no further than Germany, where despite a frigid climate, residents have spearheaded the move toward renewable energy, making Germany the leading market for solar.

Of course, to help clients most effectively reap the rewards of the winter months and avoid being buried by the snow, it is important to effectively angle panels during installation.

Doing so will minimize snow buildup and maximize output from reflected light. If properly optimized, solar output in the winter can compete with that of other parts of the year, making solar the perfect energy source for homes in all climates.

This article has been published here with permission by the PVbuzz team from the original article written by Chris Blevins and published on Solar Power World Online by Steven Bushong.

Chris Blevins earned a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. After graduation, he traveled extensively and discovered the financial and environmental benefits of solar energy in rural developing nations. Upon returning to the United States, he co-founded online solar marketplace, Pick My Solar.

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    1. I think this article, or the commercials posted, really, ignore the fact that solar panels are not made by magic. The panels require a factory, that’s run most often on coal power (in China ), or gas, hydro, or nuclear( in France. )

      Batteries also take so called dirty sources to be produced.

      In the case of coal, more energy is used to produce panels and batteries that it would to just use current power grid arrays.

      Correct me please If my facts are wrong.

      1. Here is the National Renewable Energy Lab review of the life cycle emissions of solar pv vs. several other power generating options, including coal:

      2. Hi Strider — I am afraid you are incorrect — the energy pay back time (the time it takes for modules to produce the power used to manufacture them) of modern PV panels is generally a year or two (and under 5 in even the worst circumstances). See:

    2. Although you are correct that the temperature and albedo effects can increase PV output in snowy environments, this article glosses over what can be substantial snow-related losses in poorly designed or maintained systems in snowy environments. See data:

    3. Can you give me a name of an automatic panel cleaning systems as I have pannels on my home and during the winter months the snow piles up to a foot and I have to brush it off by hand. And during the winter snow my pannels do not generate any power according to my computer program.

      1. @disqus_6G09LjtdXw:disqus our advice will be to not let the snow accumulate that high on the panels. As of today, we are not sure if there are any automatic cleaning systems for residential rooftop but you can always get a long snow removal brush. Automatic cleaning systems do exist …only in the commercial market.

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