Clean energy now is a $1.4 trillion global industry, as big as fashion, twice the size of airlines, and close to worldwide spending on media and entertainment.
Let’s check the facts: According to the Advanced Energy Now 2017 Market Report; in the United States alone, “advanced” or clean energy is worth US $200 billion in revenue.
That’s as much as pharmaceutical manufacturing.
Globally, clean energy brought in US $1.4 trillion in revenue back in 2016, that’s nearly twice as much as the global airline industry.
A 2017 U.S Energy and Employment Report by the U.S Department of Energy indicates that clean energy supports 3.3 million jobs in the country.
January 2017 data from EDF (Environmental Defense Fund, Climate Corps) indicates that jobs in solar and wind are being created 12 times faster than in the wider U.S economy.
Why it Matters: More than 350,000 people work partly or fully on solar energy production. That’s twice the number of people working in energy production using coal, gas, and oil.
The solar workforce increased by 25% in 2016 over the previous year.
Wind employment in the U.S went up by a staggering 32%.