A Volvo plug-in hybrid at an auto show in Beijing in 2014. Credit Diego Azubel/European Pressphoto Agency via New York Times

Yes, you read right! All Volvo cars from 2019 will have an electric motor.

Volvo, which sold almost 47,000 cars in the UK last year, said that all new models would be electric or hybrid within two years.


Hakan Samuelsson, the chief executive of Volvo Cars, said that the “technology is right and the price is right. This announcement marks the end of the solely combustion engine-powered car. It is a very significant decision for Volvo Cars.”

Experts predict that other mainstream manufacturers will follow suit.

“The death of the traditional car rolled closer yesterday,” the DailyMail quoted in an article.

Details indicate that from 2019 onwards, Volvo cars will range from battery-only to plug-in hybrid – which can run for a significant distance before switching to petrol or diesel – and mild hybrids, where a battery helps a conventional engine achieve greater fuel economy.

In a press conference, Samuelson said he had changed his view from two years ago when he suggested pure electric cars were not ready for primetime because things had changed faster than expected.

“I think things have changed, and you can change your mind as well. We were skeptic[al] about the cost level of batteries and the lack of infrastructure to charge all-electric cars,” Samuelsson told the New York Times.

“Our customers are asking more and more about electric cars,” While the strategy has risks, “a much bigger risk would be to stick with internal combustion engines,” Samuelsson said.

A shortage of public charging points is hampering the shift to electric vehicles, a well know issue these electric car manufacturers from Tesla, Nissan and now all-electric Volvo are working on curbing.

Diana A. N.
Diana writes about eco-trends, green living, and sustainable technologies that help us live healthy/active lifestyles. She is also a freelance fashion blogger, and an "Instagram Influencer" (@effortlesslady) in Ottawa, ON — Canada.

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1 Comment

  1. Hello …typical Volvo to lead the way and be proactive in shifting to what is best option. Yes the path forward is not completely clear. There will novel technologies to support this creative move. Volvo has also embraced battery technology and is building on this. In their heavy equipment, trucks, etc. there is a Canadus Desulphater. This maintains the lead acid battery, extending the life over double, protects the alternator, starter, electricals, lights, etc. and adds a dimension of increased response to the whole vehicle as well as increasing fuel performance. In every EV there is a lead acid starter battery and in the hybrids also.
    The rest of the world is catching up. We promote the efficient use of all energy in generation, operational performance, storage systems, etc. Check out the Canadus technology on their web site. canadus(dot)com. and in particular the Volvo brochure. A very small price for huge impact.

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