A team of researchers led by Dr. Chong Wen Tong of the University of Malaya were awarded a Pre-commercialized Prototype Fund to develop and install an innovative outdoor lighting system powered by a Wind-Solar hybrid renewable source of energy i.e. a shroud-augmented wind turbine and a solar panel.

This hybrid green energy system is a compact design that harmoniously integrates a vertical-axis-wind-turbine (VAWT) with the novel omni-direction-guide-vane (ODGV), solar panel and LED lighting system.


The product is called “Eco-GreenergyTM Wind-Solar Outdoor Lighting System” and it is self-sustained, i.e. powered by the shrouded vertical-axis-wind-turbine generator and solar PV panel.

The novelty of the product is achieved through the wind power augmentation of the above mentioned guide-vanes assembly known as the omni-direction-guide-vane (ODGV).

The guide-vanes can be made from clear and translucent material to act as light-plates. Moreover, logos or symbols can be engraved on these plates for showcasing purposes.

The solar PV is positioned at the top portion of the ODGV to avoid interference resulting from shadow. The batteries and the controller are stored at the top of the pole and below the ODGV to avoid vandalism or flash floods.

The overall “clean” impression of the product compared to other conventional wind-solar lamp posts serves as an added advantage for this product.

Hashtags: #wind #solar #windsolar #lighting #outdoors #hybrid

Derick Lila
Derick is a Clark University graduate—and Fulbright alumni with a Master's Degree in Environmental Science, and Policy. He has over a decade of solar industry research, marketing, and content strategy experience.

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1 Comment

  1. It is beautiful for outdoor.

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