South Africa will launch 750-kW solar system at airport

South Africa’s transport minister Dipuo Peters will inaugurate what could likely be Africa’s first solar-powered airport.


George Airport in the Western Cape province will meet part of its electricity requirements with a 750-kW solar installation covering 200 sq m (2,153 sq ft), the government said in a statement.

The project was spearheaded by the Department of Transport, Airports Company South Africa (ACSA), according to the announcement.

Currently, there are several hundred megawatts of solar and wind projects in progress in the country. Clean energy investment in South Africa surged to USD 4.5 billion (EUR 4.09) in 2015, according to Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

Uruguay plans incentives for PV panel makers

Uruguay’s Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM) and the Ministry of Economy and Finance are to propose the establishment of fiscal incentives for the production of solar modules in the country.

In an effort to spur development in the domestic photovoltaic (PV) sector, a bill will be submitted to the local Parliament, according to a press release on Monday. So far, no specific details about the scheme have been provided.

In the meantime, MIEM also unveiled plans for the construction of a solar panel manufacturing hub in northwestern Paysandu.

Zambia to finalize 100 MW solar power tender

The Industrial Development Corporation of Zambia Ltd (IDC) has opened the second stage bidding process for the development of a 100 MW solar power projects in the country.

The 11 pre-qualified companies have until April 9, 2016 to submit their technical and financial offers.

“The bids will be evaluated on the basis of technical specifications and price offered,” said Andrew Chipwende, executive director of IDC.

Eventually, two companies will be chosen to build a 50-MW solar power plant and sign a 25-year power purchase contract to feed the plant’s electricity output to the national grid.

Construction of the solar arrays is expected to start by the end of this year.

The 11 pre-qualified bidders include Access Eren Zambia, EDF Energie Nouvelle, Africa Infrastructure Fund 2, in association with Old Mutual Life Insurance, as well as Cobra, CDE and Grupo-T Solar, Enel Green Power, Gobeleq, International Power SA in partnership with Engie, Mulilo Zambia PV1 Consortium, N3eoen in association with First Solar, Scatec Solar and finally, Shanghai Electric Power in consortium with Avic.

The 100-MW tender is the first stage of the Scaling Solar Zambia Program. The second stage, which will be 200 MW, will also be launched soon, according to IDC’s director.

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