Sen. Kamala Harris on Tuesday became the first Black and South Asian American woman chosen for national office by a major political party, when former Vice President Joe Biden named the moderate former prosecutor to be his running mate this fall. (CNN)

There is continuing coverage of California senator Kamala Harris, newly announced running mate for Democratic U.S presidential hopeful Joe Biden.

According to Axios, Harris “could heighten the ticket’s focus on environmental justice while prompting fresh Trump campaign political attacks on Democrats’ energy plans”.


The website says that Harris’s overall stance on climate and energy is consistent with Biden’s, but that there are also some differences.

It points to her “more explicit” support for carbon pricing and previous statements in support of a ban on fracking, as well as her co-sponsorship of the “Climate Equity Act” legislation with fellow Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

The New York Times reports that the choice of Harris as running mate “signaled that Democrats will try to ensure that communities burdened by pollution would benefit from a transition to clean energy”, according to “climate change leaders”.

Its headline says that with a Biden-Harris ticket, “environmental justice is a focus”, and the article notes that Harris “has a long history” of working on the issue.

According to Bloomberg: “Less than two hours after Kamala Harris was named Joe Biden’s running mate, Trump had cast the California Democrat as oil industry and fracking foe.”

It continues: “It’s a line Trump will surely use again and again against Harris…But the criticism may have limited appeal beyond Trump’s political base and is likely to boost enthusiasm for the Democratic ticket among progressive voters.”

Other reports say the Harris pick “could reinvigorate stalled world action on climate change … if the Democrats defeat Trump”. That Harris has a “record and profile for action” on climate change, and that she will draw in the activist community that Biden hopes to have behind his candidacy.

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