Greentech Media:
What Will It Take to Launch the Next Game-Changing Solar Racking System?

Almost everyone agrees that a railless residential mounting system like the one developed by Zep Solar speeds up installation and improves logistics compared to traditional railed systems. While Zep Solar was and is a darn good first-generation residential railless mounting system, most contractors found that its high hardware cost did not justify their switching costs — the labor time and dollar savings, logistical improvements, and other benefits just weren’t enough.
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Bloomberg Business
Cloudy Prospects for Rooftop Solar’s Growth in Florida: Energy

The so-called Sunshine State hasn’t been a great place for homeowners to install solar panels. Florida ranks near the top for the amount of solar potential, yet comes in 15th for home solar systems. Texas, which rivals California for most sun resources, comes in 11th in installed residential panels, according to GTM Research in Boston.
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Photon News
China’s cumulative installed PV capacity tops 28.0 GW

Mainland China added 10.6 GW of new solar generation capacity in 2014, according to China’s National Energy Administration (NEA). This is down from 12.9 GW in 2013 and lower than China’s 2014 target of 14 GW. The 10.6 GW installed in China represents about a quarter of all solar capacity added worldwide in 2014.
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San Francisco-Business Times
Exclusive: SolarCity fills former Solyndra manufacturing facility in Fremont
If you need any proof that the region’s solar industry is well past the Solyndra failure, head 2 miles south of the Tesla Motors Inc. plant in Fremont on I-880.

Ever since the world’s most famous solar-panel startup went bust in 2011, the two prominent buildings at 47700 Kato Road — the ones with the cheerful blue angles and dark glass walls — have stood vacant. Well, not for long.
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Derick Lila
Derick is a Clark University graduate—and Fulbright alumni with a Master's Degree in Environmental Science, and Policy. He has over a decade of solar industry research, marketing, and content strategy experience.

AT&T And SunEdison Join To Deliver 677 Kilowatt Solar System In Texas

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